oprah tips for success

Oprah Shares Tips For Attaining Success & Wealth [VIDEO]

As I watched this interview, chills overwhelmed me and I became so emotional as Oprah shared some of the most profound lessons from her rough upbringing and career early on, that contributed to her evolution as a CEO, philanthropist, actress and media mogul.

What stood out to me the most is when she talked about having undeniable faith in what she desires and speaking with “intention”:

Only say yes to what you intend to do. – Oprah

I think naturally as women, we are the nurturers and we naturally have the ability to be able to seamlessly accommodate the needs of others. But when you know who you are and are content with who you are, at some point, you won’t be able to say yes to just any and everything.

Her words inspired me to seek more of myself, my purpose with this new life as an entrepreneur and to seek how God wants to use me for the time I have here on earth now… and if there is something I don’t want to do, or that doesn’t fit in line with how and/or who I am…it’s okay to say “no”.

My decisions will be led by my feelings and what I am compelled to do with clear intention.

Definitely one of my favorite interviews added to my playlist that has inspired me greatly!

I hope it inspires you too!


