music modernization act

Songwriters Sign Petition For Congress To Pass the Music Modernization Act

We need your help to modernize music. On December 21, 2017, Congressman Doug Collins and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries introduced the Music Modernization Act of 2017 (MMA) – legislation designed to reform the way songwriters are paid in the digital age.

Today, digital services like Spotify, Apple, Pandora, Amazon and Google often do not know who to pay and money is lost to lack of information and inefficiency. The Music Modernization Act will create an entity, funded by the digital music companies, that will properly pay mechanical royalties for interactive streaming. It also gives songwriters a better shot at getting higher royalty rates in the Copyright Royalty Board proceedings. Additionally, it reforms the system that determines performance royalty rates for ASCAP and BMI by allowing rate courts to review market evidence into the valuation of how songwriters are compensated as well as giving them improvements to the rate court process.

We encourage every songwriter in America to sign this petition to show Congress the overwhelming support for updating the archaic laws that lower what songwriters earn.

ASCAP members are encouraged to sign here.

